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Passing of Ray Sira. The Executive Committee is saddened to announce that Ray Sira (age 60) passed away in an accident at his home on September 25, 2022. Ray was a long-time member of the Section, since his father, Section charter-member Ed Sira, brought him to Conventions as a young boy. Ray served as our Secretary-Treasurer on the Section's Executive Committee for the last ten years. He recently assumed the position of Contest Coordinator, after Bill Cuddington's passing. Losing both Ray and Bill within 2 months has left the Section with a heavy heart. We will sorely miss them both.
Click Here for Ray's Obituary.
Passing of Bill Cuddington. The Executive Committee is saddened to announce that Vertical Bill Cuddington (age 88) passed away at his home at approximately 7:30 PM Central Daylight Time on Friday evening, August 5, 2022 after a long illness. Bill was a founding father of the NSS Vertical Section and its first President, serving from 1972 to 1976. He continued serving on the Executive Committee until his death. His early exploits and research in Single-Rope-Techniques led to the rapid expansion of safe vertical caving procedures in the United States. More detailed information on Bill's life and adventures can be found in David Hughes extensive biography, "Vertical Bill".
Click Here for Photos of his Memorial. - Obituary for Bill Cuddington.
Issue #62 of the Nylon Highway is the last issue on-line. Everyone has access to all the electronic issues by clicking on the Nylon Highway button at the left. You'll get access to issues #1 through #62.
- The Vertical Section has a Facebook page.
Click on the Facebook button to the right. 
- All issues of the Nylon Highway can be downloaded as single files in PDF format. See the Nylon Highway Page!
- The Editor needs articles for the Nylon Highway. The current issue is very light, because no articles were submitted for publication. Please submit original articles, reprints, or web items, relating to vertical information. Please support your publication.
Intermediate Vertical Training Course is On-line
Instructors can download the complete course materials for the Intermediate Vertical Training Course from this website. Click on the Training button at the left.
Revised Basic Vertical Training Course is On-line
Instructors can now download the complete course materials for the Basic Vertical Training Course from this website. Click on the Training button at the left.
- Membership Change: At the 2008 Vertical Section meeting the Board elected to reduce the membership dues to zero ($0). New Requirements for membership in the Section can be found on the Membership Page, by clicking on the Membership button at the left. There's now no reason every caver interested in vertical caving techniques shouldn't join the Vertical Section. Share the knowledge!
- Out-of-print Back Issues of NH are available On-line!
See the Nylon Highway Page!
- Vertical Section "Symbolic Devices" are on sale to all Section members. Support your Section and show your pride by displaying our "colors". Sale of our merchandise will be available in the near future through an arrangement with a caving vendor. We are currently in transition to this new arrangement. See the "Symbolic Devices" page for updates as this transition is finalized.
- We need your help. There's a HUGE NEED for checking people's climbing gear before the Rebelay Course and the Vertical Techniques Workshop. In 2007, we began to address this problem. John Woods, with others, spent hours checking gear during and after the climbing contest on Monday. Please contact Gary Bush, if you can help again this coming year at Convention. Even an hour of help would be great! Gary's e-mail is caver07@wgbush.com. His mailing address is in the NSS Membership Directory.
To all who help the Section, thank you very much.
- Photos from the Meetings and the Vertical Techniques Workshop.
See the Photo Gallery Page!
- Members can check their membership status on-line. See the Membership Page!
- To All Vertical Section Members and interested parties ...
Please re-read the VS Constitution and By-Laws, so as to refresh your memories concerning our purpose and guidelines for the Section. This information could be helpful when you attend our meetings and/or participate in our elections. See the 'links' to these documents at the top of the "Board Members" page.
Please consider helping your Vertical Section to accomplish its purpose in some way. Whether at the NSS Convention or working from home, there are lots of jobs to be done.
Thank you very much.
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You Can't Fool Gravity |
© 1999-2024, Vertical Section of the NSS, Inc. All Rights Reserved |
Website by Gary Bush
caver07@wgbush.com |