Message from the Editor

Wm Shrewsbury, NSS #22677RL FE (Chattanooga, TN)

In this issue we have an assortment of articles from some well known (or soon to be well known) people. Bruce Smith leads off by telling us all of his 'Secrets I Was Never Told'. This is followed by a short answer to a question that was asked of the editor over the internet. Ever wonder how they rig in France? Read a translation by Peter Grant.

Purchased a narrow rack and can't get the rope to run right? Ron Simmons sets it straight. Kevin Harris's article will help you make the most of your climbing practice. Miriam Cuddington reminds us how to be a safe caver. Need some new reading material? Bill Mixon gives us a few how-to book titles on SRT. Of course, there are the minutes of the 1996 Vertical Section Meeting. Safety and Rescue - two words used a little too often. Bruce Smith gives us the 'Peter Piper' of all statements.

Finally, how well do you know your knots? Take the test inside and see how well you do!

If you have an article or photo that you think we could use, send it to us. I know there are some cavers out there working on new gear. What better way to introduce it than through the Nylon Highway? Send your articles and photos. We can read most formats. Reasonable handwriting is gladly accepted. E-mail submissions are even better.

Stay tuned for the next exciting issue featuring articles by YOU! I for one can't wait to read about them ....

Cave Softly and Carry a Long Rope,

Wm Shrewsbury, Editor
Wm Shrewsbury, NH Editor


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