Nylon Highway

Miriam Cuddington .................... Chair
109 Beacon St.
Moulton, AL   35650-1801

David Joaquim ........... Secretary/Treasurer
8120 E. Mitchell Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ   85251-5812

Tim White .............................. Editor
111 Sanibel Circle
Madison, AL   35757

Carroll Bassett .................... At-Large
HC68 Box 64B
Friars Hill, WV   24938

Barb Ritts ............................ At-Large
107 Mills Avenue
Braddock, PA   15104-1340

Gary Taylor ........................ At-Large
2736 Haverknoll Drive
Cincinnati, OH   45231-1053

Bruce Smith ........... Education Coordinator
6313 Jan Lane Drive
Harrison, TN 37341-9419

Bill Cuddington
.................... Vertical Contest Chairman
109 Beacon St.
Moulton, AL   35650-1801

Terry Clark
...... Vertical Techniques Workshop Coordinator
7124 Cairo Dixie Road
Corydon, KY   42406-9735

Please send articles, art, exchange publications and other material for publication in the Nylon Highway to:

Tim White
111 Sanibel Circle
Madison, AL   35757
e-mail: kd4goc@bigfoot.com

Please send payment for ads, subscriptions, renewals, requests for back issues, address changes and all correspondence that doesn’t have to do with anything you’ll ever want published to:

David Joaquim
(480) 970-8186
8120 E. Mitchell Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ   85251-5812
e-mail: nssvertical@pcslink.com

In short, if you’d like to submit something for possible publication, send it to the Editor. Otherwise, send it to the Secretary/Treasurer.


Year 2001


The Nylon Highway is published by the Vertical Section of the National Speleological Society on a regular basis pending sufficient material. Material is posted on the Vertical Section’s web site soon after being received by the Editor. A volume of all material is printed and distributed to those not having access to the electronic version on an annual basis.

It is the intent of this publication to provide a vehicle for papers on vertical work. All submitted articles containing unsafe practices will be returned to the author. Opinions expressed herein are credited to the author and do not necessarily agree with those of the Editor, the Vertical Section, its members or its Executive Committee. The reader should understand that some material presented in the Nylon Highway may be of an experimental nature and is presented herein for peer review. The reader should exercise good judgment and use common sense when attempting new vertical techniques or using new equipment.

WARNING:   The reader must acknowledge that caving, climbing, mountaineering, rappelling, rescue work and other rope activities expressed in the Nylon Highway are inherently dangerous activities and serious injury or death could result from use and/or misuse of techniques and equipment described in this publication.

All materials are copyrighted by the Vertical Section. Reprinted material must credit the original author and the source.


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